Ode to Valentine’s candy

Jaxon Martin, Staff Writer

Art by Yufei Zhang.

Every year for the duration of February I am reunited with my love. I am replete with joy after eleven lonesome months apart from her. And because distance makes the heart grow fonder, as soon as I saw her in the store a few weeks ago, I charged through the crowds just to reach her. I had immediately recognized her heart shaped figure. I held her in my arms as tightly as I could.
I never have to worry about emotional validation during the month of February, because immediately as we left the store the compliments began coming one after another: “you’re a cutie” and “you’re the best.” Even better, she also asked me to be her valentine. Every time I am with her it is a joyous experience, something akin to a sugar rush. It must be because she is so sweet. Some people say she’s too sweet, but to me, she’s perfect.
Thus, this year, like every other, for the duration of February I spend as much time with her as possible. I treasure the fleeting time we spend together because I knew, sadly, that the inevitable was approaching, quickly. Once we had encroached upon Valentine’s Day the time that I got to spend with my love began to come to a close. I scour Vons in a craze to find my candy hearts as it becomes harder and harder to find my love because she is so heavily desired.
Finally, as I race to every store in search of my beloved, I cannot find her. My love is fleeting along with the month of February and the season of love my world begins to get dark and dreary. I must give up and accept the fact that my whole world is gone. I must forget about her. But forgetting is easier said than done. I am dispossessed without my sweetheart. Under the immense pressure of all my emotions my heart breaks just the same as when I crush the candy hearts between my teeth.
Yes, my love is just a box of candy. I love those candy hearts with all their compliments and sugary sweetness. The texture as they break between my teeth and the amazing flavor of each heart.
While some people don’t agree that these candy hearts are the greatest holiday candy ever, it is the undeniable truth.
I am not embarrassed to admit that I love these candy hearts more than I could a person. It doesn’t bother me because nobody understands what it’s like to be in love with a literal box of candy. What am I to do without my candy hearts? Without my sweet love? I don’t think I can go on!
Oh look… a bag of Starburst!