Video Game Review: Before Your Eyes

Alice Chen, Editor-in-Chief


Like many other forms of media in the oversaturated digital age, video games are often forgotten about right after they are played. Because of this, one of the primary goals of any developer is to create a game that holds the player’s attention and remains in the player’s mind even after they are finished.

This isn’t an easy task, obviously, and many games feature time-consuming competitive ladders or frequent content updates to keep their players’ interest. But single-player narrative adventure games, which can only be played through one time before it is “spoiled,” perhaps have the hardest job of all. These games are where developers must experiment with ways to be immersive, innovative and impactful.

Before Your Eyes, a narrative adventure game released on April 8, accomplishes this goal with a strange gameplay mechanic: the player’s blinking. Played with only a computer, mouse, and webcam, Before Your Eyes presents a unique approach to storytelling—and a narrative that, unlike many other games, stuck with me after only 1.5 hours of gameplay.

You begin as Benjamin “Benny” Brynn, a new soul in the afterlife who must prove to the Gatekeeper that he is worthy of entering paradise. In order to do so, you embark on a journey through Benny’s memories, from the day he was born to the day he died. But no matter how happy or important the moment is, you can’t stay. Each time you blink in real life, whether it’s voluntarily or compulsively, your camera captures it and you move forward in the game, jumping ahead anywhere from minutes to years in Benny’s life.

Benny’s story is a sad one, as he grows up under his mother’s pressure to continue her own dream of becoming a famous pianist. Torn between the allure of a “successful life” and his desire to have fun like normal children, Benny must choose what direction to go. As you start to see his hopes, talents, relationships, mistakes and heartbreaks, you might realize that Benny’s life isn’t impressive or extraordinary, and you might worry about forming a compelling argument for the Gatekeeper. Has Benny served his purpose on Earth? Was there one at all?

Before Your Eyes walks the line between video game and visual novel. Its main message is delivered in a deeply personal way, as the player watches a whole life pass by literally in the blinks of an eye. My own misfortune of dry eyes made the experience even more poignant, when I kept trying and failing to hold onto moments of joy before they inevitably slipped from my grasp.

Benny’s memories and emotions mirror many of our own, whether it be the awkwardness of first love, the difficulty of meeting our parents’ expectations, or the desperation to live a life we’re proud of. Most people, especially young people, and especially high school seniors post-college-applications, are likely to see their own struggles in Benny’s story. As you present Benny’s life to the Gatekeeper, maybe you’ll find out something about your own existence.

Despite my watery eyes at the end, from a combination of trying to keep them open and crying about the story, Before Your Eyes is one of the best games I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. The unprecedented gameplay mechanic was likely a risk for indie developer GoodbyeWorld Games, but the game’s touching narrative, charming visuals, and heartwarming conclusion make for an incredibly well-rounded and enjoyable experience.

Some stories are best told through the interactive medium of video games, and this one does it phenomenally. For the price of a couple thousand blinks, Before Your Eyes will leave you with timeless lessons you can take through all the highs and lows of life.

Play Before Your Eyes