The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

Battikha constructs, programs drone for pollution detection
Battikha constructs, programs drone for pollution detection
Leanne Fan, Staff Writer • June 5, 2024

When Alex Battikha (11) walked along the San Diego shores with his dad last June, he noticed trash everywhere. What further concerned him was...

Letter to Freshman Self: Rajvi

Dear Rajvi,

I want you to pause before you walk through the doors of Westview for the first time. Pause, and take it all in. For the next four years, this will be your home.

You’re nervous right now. Nervous if you’ll meet the right people, take the right classes, join the right clubs. Trust yourself and you will. 

Right now, you think that you need to do this all yourself, that you need to navigate this unfamiliar setting and these unfamiliar people alone. You are surrounded by so many people who want to help you and support you, so let them.

You’re going to meet your best friends this year. You’ll cry over books and movies with them, and then a few years later you’ll cry again because you’re so proud of the people they have become.

The faded paint of the buildings and the concrete tiers of the quad will soon become your home, your peers shaping you and pushing you to be better. You will be okay; I know you will. I’m so proud of the person you are, and I’m ready for you to see the person you will become.



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Rajvi Shah, Staff Writer

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