The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

The official student news site of Westview High School

The Nexus

Battikha constructs, programs drone for pollution detection
Battikha constructs, programs drone for pollution detection
Leanne Fan, Staff Writer • June 5, 2024

When Alex Battikha (11) walked along the San Diego shores with his dad last June, he noticed trash everywhere. What further concerned him was...

Letter to Freshman Self: Nirja



This is the part where I tell you not to worry. This is the part where I tell you that everything is worth it in the end. This is the part where I tell you something profound about growing up. 

But what if I tell you that you’re more put together than I am right now? What if I tell you that I’ve never questioned my self-worth more than in the five months since I got into Harvard? What if I tell you that I have nothing to share with you but a confusing feeling of emptiness?

Right now, you are so full of purpose and discipline. You have a set of concrete social and academic goals and a concrete plan to achieve them. 

Right now, I am sitting here having achieved many of those goals, but I feel unaccomplished, like a mere pawn in the game of life. I don’t feel unique; I feel mundane. Haven’t I spent the past four years just crossing tasks off a cookie-cutter list?

I know this is not the most exciting thing to hear, but I want to tell you how I genuinely feel: lost. 

The one piece of advice I would give to you is this: stop waiting to feel accomplished. Because I think that’s part of why I feel how I feel. Don’t go through high school telling yourself you will be happy after the next invitation, the next acceptance letter. With nothing to your name but a laptop and PUSD Zoom account, you are deserving of happiness already. Accomplishment is a state of mind, and it’s time you and I start being in it. 


– Nirj(ahhhhhhh)


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Nirja Trivedi, Staff Writer

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