Dear Freshie Macey,
When I think back to you, I feel only adoration for the hardworking and wholesome person that you are. I long for the days when school work was done by five, my screen time was at an all-time low, and six o’clock dinners with my family were nightly. And yet, I know that you would love the person I am now and the life that you live today.
As per your expectations, we worked hard to attend our dream school and get one step closer to being the woman in STEM you wish to be. Contrary to your expectations, our learning was not just full of numbers and equations. You might be shocked to see this letter in The Nexus and question why you joined the newspaper in your second-term senior year (I myself am still questioning it). But I am fortunate to inform you that not only do we have some of our best class memories from English courses, but having a deeper understanding of language and human communication has allowed us to express ourselves and find connections in the best possible places.
As you dive into the next four years of your life, I would like to remind you to breathe. Sophomore year made it difficult to do so, but I implore you to reach out to your friends and family, take a break before being consumed by thoughts and worries, and remember to live in this process.